Hyperboreus – Studia Classica n.18/2012

Categoria: Seriale Autore: aavv

Hyperboreus was founded by the Bibliotheca Classica Petropolitana in 1994 as the first academic journal in Russia since the 1917 revolution specializing in the field of classical studies.



Scandinavian Background of Greek Mythic Cosmography: the Sun’s Water Transport di Dmitri Panchenko

The Education of Artists in Ancient Greece di Antonio Corso

A Lyre on the Ground di Nina Almazova

What is polykoiranie? Aristotle and Aristarchus on Il. 2, 204 di Filippomaria Pontani

Homo an Liber? Zur Ethik des Scherzens in Cicero, De Off. 1, 103 f. di Boris Dunsch

Caesar, the Germani, and Rome: Ethnography and Politics in the De Bello Gallico di Roberto Polito

“Tenebricosus” and Irony in Catull. 3 di Anastasia Kotova

Bemerkungen zu Catull C. 34 und 72 di Gregor Maurach

De mari Aegaeo ad Siciliae litora sito (Luc. Phars. II, 665) di Arsenius Vetuschko-Kalevich

Thunfischfang: bei den Eretriern und Naxiern oder auf? di Lija Jermakova

On some aspects of Christian Teaching on Providence and Fate in late antiquity di Grigorij I. Benevich


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